Dave often doesn't notice me hold back to take a shot of something.  We had walked from the fountain in the center of Coliseum Park to head home.  I really thought he'd turned around when I snapped the picture, but this turned out even better.  Waiting... for the park to close?

"Baby... Dats BaNANas!"

There is a roiling controversy in our house. And like all things we disagree on, it just doesn't...


  My friend Janine, cooling down in a small bar on a 95 degree day.  When I...

Bananas? You're kidding, right?
Bananas?  You're kidding, right?

There are many polarizing things in this world:  abortion, gun advocacy, Hillary Clinton,...

Cataloging Our Culture
Cataloging Our Culture

Holly Jolly, Bahoo Dorey, and all that. It's 'Black Friday' and we find ourselves once more at the...