I shot this in San Francisco near the Sutro Baths.  The light was perfect that day and every shot I took seemed to come out beautifully.  I don't know who this woman was, but I'm glad she happened to take a stroll through the waves at just the right time. 


Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world She took the midnight train goin'...


  My friend Janine, cooling down in a small bar on a 95 degree day.  When I...

I'm Santa Claus, Bitch!
I'm Santa Claus, Bitch!

Two days before Christmas, 2007.  It's been a craptacular year.  And it's a...

Santa Monica Bike Path
Santa Monica Bike Path

I've always liked this pic but haven't posted it until now. Dave and I were staying at a hotel...