The park between Camp and Coliseum Streets in the Lower Garden is a nice place to go particularly at dusk, especially if you have a dog.  Many neighbors head there and the sounds of laughing children and dogs splashing through the fountain echo through the trees.  But after dark the place quiets down and all that remains ins the bubbling of the cascading waters and the occasional passing of jogger's footsteps.

San Francisco Coastline
San Francisco Coastline

  This was also taken the day Dave, Felice and I drove out to the Sutro Baths...

Coliseum Park Fountain
Coliseum Park Fountain

  The park between Camp and Coliseum Streets in the Lower Garden is a nice place to go...

Velvety Soft Focus
Velvety Soft Focus

We've all seen them, and we've all felt the inexorable pull to stop and browse, perhaps even...

Venice Beach Swimmers
Venice Beach Swimmers

This shot was taken off the Venice Beach pier in Marina del Rey.  We had been driving all...