This was taken at the Getty Center in LA. I'd spent a few hours there and as the light was changing I couldn't keep myself from shooting these two from afar.

Parking Garage Rooftop
Parking Garage Rooftop

My brother-in-law parked the car on one of the upper levels of the garage in downtown West...

As I was saying... Circus Peanuts
As I was saying... Circus Peanuts

    "... until the age of plastic packaging, Circus Peanuts weren't readily...

Duck inna Window
Duck inna Window

This was an anniversary present I don't know how many years ago from Dave. Wind it up and it...

Lies, Lies, LIES!
Lies, Lies, LIES!

"Santa, Santa, Santa... It's always Santa!"  -- Jan Brady, sort of. I remember...