I left the house that morning to walk to the gym, but what's been happening more and more is I come across something I really want to take a shot of... and my phone just won't do.  I walked all the way back and retrieved my camera.  This is the south balcony off the top floor lobby to the hotel at the Bellevue.

Pale Shelter
Pale Shelter

"Umbrella" is another term for the parasol, which was first used as a protection against the...

It's sad to say this...
It's sad to say this...

Well, here goes... It’s time to answer some questions and say, “yes, we are moving.”  Dave...

Velvety Soft Focus
Velvety Soft Focus

We've all seen them, and we've all felt the inexorable pull to stop and browse, perhaps even...

I'm Santa Claus, Bitch!
I'm Santa Claus, Bitch!

Two days before Christmas, 2007.  It's been a craptacular year.  And it's a...