From late May to early September the streets are deserted during the day.  The heat forces a hibernation of its inhabitants, as the sun beats down on the brick and asphalt that slowly crumbles.

Lies, Lies, LIES!
Lies, Lies, LIES!

"Santa, Santa, Santa... It's always Santa!"  -- Jan Brady, sort of. I remember...

I should try this...
I should try this...

Browsing through Craig's List this evening I came across a (romantic?) listing in the 'Missed...

San Francisco Coastline
San Francisco Coastline

  This was also taken the day Dave, Felice and I drove out to the Sutro Baths...

Cataloging Our Culture
Cataloging Our Culture

Holly Jolly, Bahoo Dorey, and all that. It's 'Black Friday' and we find ourselves once more at the...