From late May to early September the streets are deserted during the day.  The heat forces a hibernation of its inhabitants, as the sun beats down on the brick and asphalt that slowly crumbles.

As I was saying... Circus Peanuts
As I was saying... Circus Peanuts

    "... until the age of plastic packaging, Circus Peanuts weren't readily...

From the $1 Menu
From the $1 Menu

I didn't have any particular direction or topic, but an egg mcmuffin popped into my head. I...

Inside The Yellow Box
Inside The Yellow Box

 We’re a Kodak family.  That’s not such a strange thing being where I am...

Dangling Outliers
Dangling Outliers

Ah, the freshness of a recently re-air-conditioned apartment is something to be savored. There is...