And I still don't give a damn.

It's amazing how hearing from a friend in another state can cheer you up, or at least make you realize that life is better when you have a lot of friends, who keep in touch and continue to care about you.


Not petulance.

Just a Point and a Click
Just a Point and a Click

It was just a quick purchase. I had done it a hundred times before and not had any problems. ...

Lies, Lies, LIES!
Lies, Lies, LIES!

"Santa, Santa, Santa... It's always Santa!"  -- Jan Brady, sort of. I remember...

I'm Santa Claus, Bitch!
I'm Santa Claus, Bitch!

Two days before Christmas, 2007.  It's been a craptacular year.  And it's a...

Santa Monica Bike Path
Santa Monica Bike Path

I've always liked this pic but haven't posted it until now. Dave and I were staying at a hotel...