Tuesday, August 28th 8:05 PM

Apparently Hurricane Isaac is a Democratic plot to: steal thunder from Romney, Play on the nations sympathies about Katrina, and Give Rush Limbaugh bragging rights about some new inanity about election 2012.  Well Rush.... you got us... it IS all planned by Obama.  And as a Democrat I'm glad to take one for the team.  So feel good in some small, small, small way you bloated bag of wind.

The waiting is the worst part. It's been like this all day. There were a few bands of rain, but in between there has been basically nothing. It is quiet, with some breeze, maybe some gusts, but relatively no rain. It makes me think, “ummmmm, what are we really in for?” But now, after waiting for a good long time, the wind is picking up and the rain is pounding. It's been about an hour since the city sent out emergency alerts via txt, phone & email. People on Facebook and Twitter have been reporting that we're about to be hit with it downtown. Dave is diligently (doing 100 things as well) checking the Entergy outage site and watching more and more of the city go into the red as far as power. A little while ago 'Coliseum Street', the house of our friends Jim & John in the Garden District lost it. Large parts of the Bywater, Treme, Mid City.... winking out.

So what do we do? We crank the AC, close the remaining shutters, pop open some more beers. And... field all the phone calls and txts that keep coming in from our well-meaning friends from across the country. (Emergency situation? I guess we have all the time in the world to talk).

I was saying before that I was reserving judgment about the effects of the storm. I have a feeling I'm about to actually find out what it's like to BE in a hurricane.

Note to self: Be careful about purchasing scented candles in the future for storm usage. They can really harsh your buzz if the aroma gives you a migraine.

It IS nice to have our greenery with us safe inside though. It's a real family-feel to have the patio plants in here to keep us company. I'm sure they appreciate it too, as otherwise they'd drown.

I have a feeling this is going to be a long evening. Stay tuned.

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