There is value in the absurd.

Or at least, a poker face goes far as far at a garage sale as it does at the game table.


And I still don't give a damn.

It's amazing how hearing from a friend in another state can cheer you up, or at least make you realize that life is better when you have a lot of friends, who keep in touch and continue to care about you.


Not petulance.


It's the new year and we're already through January. Almost.

Finally we have temperatures below 32 degrees and I can pretend there is some kind of seasonalness happening. No snow, of course, I'm in Philadelphia after all.

January has been a big nothing so far in terms of supporting New Year's resolutions and what-not, but never fear, February will soon be here. February is the month with the mostest in terms of 'get off yer ass and do something' as far as I'm concerned.

Yah, yah, I know, this is just another blog entry to take the place of a REAL article... or 'article' on the rest of the site. I can't actually call anything that's on here REAL, but let's pretend that somebody actually reads this drivel... just pretend, ok?

Coming up..... some actual answers to the EXTREMELY hot question: who the fuck are these 'Electors' in the Electoral College? What exactly is the history of the Pillsbury Doughboy? And Star Trek Porn... how does it apply to our every day lives?

Stick with me, I'm sure I'll produce <something> worth reading.


He is RISEN!

Oh, sorry, wrong holiday.

What *IF* Christmas Eve had the same tone that Good Friday does? (Assuming you are Christian, which being Catholic as I am, I must assume, for if you aren't you are unfortunately going to Hell. Sorry. Your bad.) Imagine the holiday shopping crowds, all somber as they clamber over each other for that perfect toy/sweater/full posable Fergie doll.... yes, she wets herself too! I would imagine I'd still forget and order a Rueben for lunch as is my Good Friday tradition. Yah, whoops.

But Christmas is a time of joy, not sorrow! A time for laughter and good spirits! Spirits, yes. There were many of those consumed today. That Wawa egg nog was particularly nice with all that rum added to it.

All right, today wasn't half bad. It was quiet until people showed up around 6ish, but these were the non-family, non-threatening, non-drama friends-type of guests. It was very nice to see them, and also sit around the kitchen table relating our days dealing with the family, threatening, drama-type of guests. More egg nog, more rum.

I did miss something though in the phone conversations I had with my siblings and my father... I would have liked to have been there.

Although I have said before that it's nice to live far from one's family, it's also nice to see them every once in a while, so next year... yes, I think we will do it. We will GO to see my family on Thanksgiving or Christmas.

God help me.


And I'm still waiting to open anything.

I've attempted to wake the sleeping giant at least 4 times, but all he does is mutter something unintelligible and roll over. I have since gone out, gotten breakfast, gone to mass, walked around Center City, returned, finished wrapping his last present and still..... asleep.

I guess I'll let him sleep. Today is his last day of vacation before he returns to the world of reporting on Britney Spears pap smears.

Merry Christmas, United Stations! You know who you are! :P

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