The park between Camp and Coliseum Streets in the Lower Garden is a nice place to go particularly at dusk, especially if you have a dog.  Many neighbors head there and the sounds of laughing children and dogs splashing through the fountain echo through the trees.  But after dark the place quiets down and all that remains ins the bubbling of the cascading waters and the occasional passing of jogger's footsteps.


  My friend Janine, cooling down in a small bar on a 95 degree day.  When I...

It's sad to say this...
It's sad to say this...

Well, here goes... It’s time to answer some questions and say, “yes, we are moving.”  Dave...

"Baby... Dats BaNANas!"

There is a roiling controversy in our house. And like all things we disagree on, it just doesn't...


Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world She took the midnight train goin'...