Ah, the freshness of a recently re-air-conditioned apartment is something to be savored. There is that peculiar smell drifting out of the dishwasher though; I'll have to look into that when I'm done with this.

The storm is passed and we emerged unscathed. I feel lucky. There could have been many things to go wrong, but I'm focusing on the positive: roof – check, windows intact – check, power restored within three days – check, a better understanding of what to do to prepare next time - check (I guess). As Dave and I were laying in bed last night the topic of 'what to do next time' came up. “I don't think we need SO much alcohol next time,” Dave said seriously. “What!?” I laughed. “I'd rather be prepared than run out!” You do what you do to get through in the middle of things. And as I said to my brother Rob on the phone today... “The worst decision I had to make was: use the ice in a drink or save it?” Others were not so lucky, and I will admit it.

So now it's back to the daily grind of Life in America: Election Year Hysteria. This is an entirely DIFFERENT storm category.

What I'm about to describe is familiar to many, or all of you by now. You log on to Facebook and are bombarded by any or all of thepolitical activism sites, causes or organizations you may have supported in the past year, two, or perhaps since the last election. Yes, some things are funny, others are deadly serious, and still others make you stop and think, “Is that true?” Even yet, some cause you to say, “That's pretty nasty!” I'll admit it, I get worked up during election years. I'm surprised many of my friends remained 'friends' during this period... not because we all disagree... on the contrary, I like most of society, tend to gravitate to people who are (seemingly) like minded politically, socially, etc. That's not to dip into any socioeconomic stereotyping, it's merely a fact. Humans tend to 'group'... and those groups then draw lines in the sand between themselves and the 'other.' If a member of our pack is attacked, we all jump in for the good of the whole. That behavior is showcased... no, actually TURNED TO ELEVEN during highly charged political events like presidential elections. These are the times we all get tired, we all wish we'd stuck to our vows to avoid politics/religion/etc. But we don't. And then we regret that lapse in judgment.

It IS getting easier these days though, as politics and religion are moving SO much closer together every cycle. The lines are blurred and everything becomes a jumble of FreeSpeech/ ConstitutionalBibleThisThatORWhatever/ GodEconomicCatastropheGayWhatever/ AbortionDeficitObamaObamaObama! You can get it ALL in by simply engaging anyone in a discussion. It's all there. But it's all bullshit. Now more than ever NOTHING seems to be about ANYTHING other than the present distortion, misrepresentation or bald faced lie to be reported, then regurgitated by the talking heads.

It's more personal when it comes off the TV, or computer and you are faced with these disagreements between close friends or family. My family, probably like many, consists of a majority of one political persuasion. There are a few outliers. We tend to be predominately Democrats, mostly moderate or left-leaning. I'm not going to speak for everyone, but that's just the way it seems in the relatively few discussions I've had with my siblings and extended family members in the past few years. As I said before, I become a little charged during these times, but I'm sure as they know me already, they aren't surprised that I am once more the most vocal in the family.

The current political atmosphere however isn't exactly 'polite'. When has politics been 'polite?' you may ask. Perhaps polite isn't the right word. I should have said, “The current political atmosphere however isn't exactly sane/logical/informed/civil/mature.....” Anyone witnessing television, radio, on-line or blogosphere reporting in the past 9 months can tell you that. It's escalated past the “This shit is crazy-fucked-up” point.

Back to discussion of groups. I've been wondering lately how much more intense this compulsive grouping behavior becomes under circumstances like we're experiencing? The atmosphere being constant bombardment with highly charged, polarized, eliminationist rhetoric. Do we REALLY believe half this crap that's oozing out of every media orifice on a daily basis? Attacks are launched, countered, and every new talking point becomes an escalation mechanism. I know I'm not the only one to have discussions, sometimes <shouting matches> with people, on-line because people just don't DO that in person anymore, that would make a 3rd grader say, “That's Stupid!” We don't listen, we shout our opinion, then hurl insults when we're cornered. Politics today..... I'll gladly go BACK to the “This shit is crazy-fucked-up” point.

I do wonder though, when all is said and done and we calm down after heated discussions about the carefully crafted 'public feeding trough meme of the day” where our thoughts, minds and loyalties REALLY lie? I don't care about the mind of the guy who just spent 45 minutes furiously typing typos at me on Facebook, calling me a socialist, then a fascist, then a liberal (god forbid) then a faggot, then about 15 other things... but I do care about a friend or acquaintance who did that, or a family member. We can “agree to disagree” and that in its cliché little way is where we have to leave it. But I know in the back of MY head that I truly believe, “this person is misguided” or more likely “this person, who I love and will continue to do so, is whacked in the head” We should leave it at that, shouldn't we? Sure we should. Live and let live. Except, you know... if I get my political druthers that person's life isn't going to REALLY be affected all that much. Now we could argue all night about the state of the economy, but nothing is really going to change that drastically in either case, it just WON'T. The social and domestic policies that are on the line here are what really worry me. And as a gay American for some reason my marriage seems to be FRONT and CENTER in this election year. Whose business is it? (Apparently it's the business of all those nosey people who cry/bitch/whine about freedom to do what THEY want, but since I'm a minority if my rights come up it's thrown back in my face as 'special treatment.' Rights is Rights, as far as the Constitution is concerned, but not for Daryl & Daryl.

So say it.... “The election is about more than just one hot-button issue Chris!” Is it? Can you honestly claim that this election is about ANYTHING that really matters or affects this country right now? The only things are are being argued about ARE the hot-buttons. When it comes to discussion of the economy or deficit or budgetary/monetary anything the realities fly out the window. Nothing makes sense, because the only things being said are quick pick up lines that get attention... whether they are true or not... doesn't matter. Start really talking numbers, history, economics... and both sides have to do something: give some ground. That doesn't happen. Because everyone thinks he or she is right, even if the only information he or she actually thinks on is handed out part and parcel by some election operative.

So I'll put my money with my group. My group that doesn't want to make me a second class citizen. My group that doesn't prop up militant organizations that passively call for my death. My group that supports not only MY minority, but the causes of ALL minorities in this country. My group that realizes America was built on its diversity, not the jingoistic chest thumping of a few rich white guys. My group that doesn't put forward isolationist, xenophobic rhetoric, then back it up with religious pomposity. My group who wants to insure the health and welfare of the nation. My group who has a track record of turning economic downs into prosperity (argue all you want, but history proves me right). My group that doesn't want to deny control of a woman's body to her. My group that thinks there is responsibility in financial success. My group that believes in order to have a strong nation we need to invest in it, its people and the future. My group that doesn't block every opportunity for change, growth, or movement simply to obtain a narrow, self-serving goal. My group that is far from perfect, but actually DOES things in office other than start unnecessary wars and redistribute wealth to the top 2% of the population. My group that is controlled by and works for people who reflect the makeup of the party, not the Koch brothers, or any and all corporate sponsors who have a few million to throw into the pot to buy some influence. My group that doesn't demonize science and progress in a misguided mish-mash of sanctimonious bullshit.

Maybe I should just keep it simple, not think too hard and say things like: “Obama is the anti-christ!” or “The economy is being DESTROYED!” Would you think I was joking? Of course you would, because you probably know me. And you know better.

So, if you just happen to be one of the people I actually STOP talking to over our political differences, don't take it to heart too much. I'm sure you won't miss this misinformed commie, liberal faggot in your life. And if you've pushed me far enough to cut you out of mine? I certainly won't miss you.

Getty Center Terrace
Getty Center Terrace

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Bananas? You're kidding, right?
Bananas?  You're kidding, right?

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Venice Beach Swimmers
Venice Beach Swimmers

This shot was taken off the Venice Beach pier in Marina del Rey.  We had been driving all...