There is a rule around our house: When there is a deadline of any kind, there will be post-it notes stuck everywhere. When there are TWO deadlines, then... all hell breaks loose. With this approaching party in two weeks there are obviously many things to be done. And if I forget any of them? All I have to do is look at the kitchen table or the kitchen cabinets at any of the handy post-its that have been placed there to jog our collective memory.

Post-it Count as of this morning: Kitchen Table-9, Bathroom Mirror-4, Kitchen Cabinets-0

A Spot In The Sun
A Spot In The Sun

  I started the word processor at my desk, after sitting here for the past hour thinking...

"Baby... Dats BaNANas!"

There is a roiling controversy in our house. And like all things we disagree on, it just doesn't...

Getty Center Terrace
Getty Center Terrace

This was taken at the Getty Center in LA. I'd spent a few hours there and as the light was...

Pale Shelter
Pale Shelter

"Umbrella" is another term for the parasol, which was first used as a protection against the...