Happy Veteran's Day! If you are unlucky like me you are at work. But, fortunately for me this day is conspiring to keep me from getting ANYTHING accomplished. Perhaps I do need to get that bottle of 'Focus Factor' from the GNC. Then again, god knows what's IN that stuff.

Have you ever wondered just HOW all those car fires start? Philly seems to be the land of the car fire. Just this morning I rode up to work and amidst the sirens and screeching fire engines there was a plume of black smoke streaming from the side of I-95. How lucky we are to directly overlook the interstate from our 5th floor office. We also watch the El come and go from the Spring Garden station and ships pass by on the Delaware. I imagined I had just missed a spectacular multi-vehicle chase, Matrix-style... perhaps involving one of the Dragon Buses, that culminated in a horrific, twisted pile of flaming metal and burning motor oil. In all actuality it was probably just Brenda's 92 Nissan Sentra, that she hadn't changed the oil in for 6 years, nor had she done anything to maintain.

Damn it Brenda! And now look, your little car is ON FIRE! All you had to do was pour a can of oil into it every once in a while!


Velvety Soft Focus
Velvety Soft Focus

We've all seen them, and we've all felt the inexorable pull to stop and browse, perhaps even...

Marshall Square Park
Marshall Square Park

We had been at the hospice with Dave's mother all that week. I stopped to take this as we...

Coliseum Park Fountain
Coliseum Park Fountain

  The park between Camp and Coliseum Streets in the Lower Garden is a nice place to go...

From the $1 Menu
From the $1 Menu

I didn't have any particular direction or topic, but an egg mcmuffin popped into my head. I...