Tuesday - August 2, 2011 - Roanoke, it's been fun. Leaving Virginia and descending the mountains was quite breathtaking. Once we finally got to the level plains and crossed into North Carolina both Dave and I looked at each other and said, “I wonder how Jim is doing on that?” He was fine.

We were headed due south for Atlanta and the driving was fine.

I have to say that for two relatively new drivers I am impressed with how Dave and I are holding it together. I had only been driving for a week before we pulled out of Philly on Sunday, July 31st. And I had only gotten my license on Friday the 29th. Dave had been licensed for about 3-4 weeks. Our 'green' status and our carbon footprint was going to take a hit on this trip though. 1300 miles in an SUV and diesel truck is a bit much.

Today was kind of boring, but the drive was relaxing. Dave has a limit of about 2 hours at a stretch behind the wheel, so I stayed driving for 3.5-4 hours. I'm actually enjoying it. North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia... in and around Charlotte got a teensy bit hairy, but we managed. At the end of the day we pulled in to a La Quinta in Norcross just outside of Atlanta and it was again time for martinis and food. Jim needed martinis, I stuck with some Leffe Blond. Separate rooms tonight, as our snoring was a bit much for poor Jim last night. (It's the least we can do.... I can certainly empathize) Back to the room for a night cap of Red Stripe and it was time to crash...


More tomorrow.


From the $1 Menu
From the $1 Menu

I didn't have any particular direction or topic, but an egg mcmuffin popped into my head. I...

Coliseum Park Fountain
Coliseum Park Fountain

  The park between Camp and Coliseum Streets in the Lower Garden is a nice place to go...

Santa Monica Bike Path
Santa Monica Bike Path

I've always liked this pic but haven't posted it until now. Dave and I were staying at a hotel...


  There is a pervasive state of decay to this city.  The relentless heat and...