The finger

Perhaps I just commented too much. Or something. All I get when I try to log in is, "someone is trying to log in" YEAH, it's ME!

Just another thing that makes me think, "Fuck Facebook"

You fucking fucks.

I've been trying to come up with SOME reason to ditch Facebook. And the only reason lately is that you CAN'T get rid of the things you want to. It's theirs. (Although they say it's yours.)

I'm just not comfortable with that.

I want to be able to delete whatever I want, when I want, without jumping through hoops. That's what Facebook has become. Because they know that without YOU... they are dead. And actually... many, many MANY of their reported users are..... not real.

So I encourage ALL of you out there. DITCH Facebook. Seek alternatives. Call your friends, EMAIL your friends. TEXT your friends. Just be more 'real.'

</end of rant>


11:57pm CDT - still offline. This has never happend before, especially with Facebook

Problems? "We are experiencing problems" Oh, are you? I haven't noticed.


12:33am CDT - still offline. And I'm not buying it


1:00 am CDT

An hour and a half later..... I am allowed to log back in.

What a ..... disappointment. But I still have 22 comments waiting for me. So it wasn't a 'System Wide Failure'



4:17 pm CDT 10/17/12

The next day. Obviously there is something 'getting better!' with Facebook today. I try to log on and get another helpful screen telling me it's down for scheduled maintenance. Good for them. What do I want? It's free.

Actually, I don't really want anything from them anymore. But they are necessary, as they provide one of the only avenues to many people I don't have other methods of contact for. Ugh.

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