No Sarah, listening and being exposed to the 2008 presidential campaign is hell. Or it has at least become an exercise in anger management thanks to you, your running mate and the entire Bush/Rove Republican Prevarication Machine that seems to be guiding your campaign. The only message that is coming across from you is, "Muddy the waters!" Change? You espouse change? Or is it another case of "We were for it after we were against it!" Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle. Day after day we hear the same tired half-truths from you and your lackeys. Never slowing down even when confronted with facts, figures, ( you know, "proof"? ) that you aren't "straight-talking." But I guess John McCain has abandoned that vehicle for one that seems to be more expedient: talk fast, talk nonsense, never look back, never back down. Just this morning Carly Fiorina tried it again on ABC's "This Week." The steamroller didn't stop even when confronted with the facts. The only answer? A smile and a diversion. The same smile that we see so many McCain spokespeople use these days, which has basically become a "fuck you America... we know you are all stupid!"

To McCaskill and Stephanopolous' credit, they didn't blithely accept this talking point and move on in Charles Gibson fashion. Stephanopolous corrected Fiorina when she falsely claimed that Palin had “rejected the money for the Bridge to Nowhere.” Fiora's answer of course..."The fact of the matter is Sarah Palin significantly cut earmark spending..." ( Even though she didn't ) It doesn't matter WHAT the mainstream media does or says. They aren't allowed to even do their jobs when they get around to doing them! Would this type of behavior out of Obama's campaign be accepted? No, of course not. But you see, everyone knows that. And everyone knows, or at least expects a Democratic campaign NOT to engage in these tactics. Can you say "Kerry/Edwards?" Now, to give John McCain some credit I have to say I USED to hold him to a higher standard. I USED to believe if there was one Republican I could support or at least believe in it was him. The man running for the White House right now? That's not the John McCain this country has gotten to know in the past twenty plus years in Washington. That man wouldn't be running one of the nastiest, most deceptive, divisive campaigns in modern history... all while attempting to rest on his past record... one that clearly decries every tactic being employed against his rival. But this is politics. Let's hope the end doesn't justify the means in this case though. And obviously the adage is correct: You can never REALLY know a person, can you?

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