There is a pervasive state of decay to this city.  The relentless heat and moisture tear everything from structures to streets slowly apart.  There is a charm in that though.  Life goes on, sometimes ending, but always rising in another form.

Just Say "NO! Don't DO IT!"
Just Say

A man walks into his doctor's office and says, "Doc, I've got a problem..."  The doctor...

From the $1 Menu
From the $1 Menu

I didn't have any particular direction or topic, but an egg mcmuffin popped into my head. I...

Woodsmoke Lane At Dusk
Woodsmoke Lane At Dusk

  I loved the sky on this night as we left my brother's house. It had been raining...

Job du Jour R.I.P.
Job du Jour R.I.P.

 Life:  “You know?  I just don’t give a damn.”  I completely understand...