Dave often doesn't notice me hold back to take a shot of something.  We had walked from the fountain in the center of Coliseum Park to head home.  I really thought he'd turned around when I snapped the picture, but this turned out even better.  Waiting... for the park to close?



The park between Camp and Coliseum Streets in the Lower Garden is a nice place to go particularly at dusk, especially if you have a dog.  Many neighbors head there and the sounds of laughing children and dogs splashing through the fountain echo through the trees.  But after dark the place quiets down and all that remains ins the bubbling of the cascading waters and the occasional passing of jogger's footsteps.



The rain was drizzling down on the corner across from the Clover Diner.  An impatient boy heatedly had a conversation, Decadence had begun.



From late May to early September the streets are deserted during the day.  The heat forces a hibernation of its inhabitants, as the sun beats down on the brick and asphalt that slowly crumbles.



There is a pervasive state of decay to this city.  The relentless heat and moisture tear everything from structures to streets slowly apart.  There is a charm in that though.  Life goes on, sometimes ending, but always rising in another form.

I'm Santa Claus, Bitch!
I'm Santa Claus, Bitch!

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Venice Beach Swimmers
Venice Beach Swimmers

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Lies, Lies, LIES!
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Bananas? You're kidding, right?
Bananas?  You're kidding, right?

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