There is a pervasive state of decay to this city.  The relentless heat and moisture tear everything from structures to streets slowly apart.  There is a charm in that though.  Life goes on, sometimes ending, but always rising in another form.

Lies, Lies, LIES!
Lies, Lies, LIES!

"Santa, Santa, Santa... It's always Santa!"  -- Jan Brady, sort of. I remember...


  My friend Janine, cooling down in a small bar on a 95 degree day.  When I...

"Baby... Dats BaNANas!"

There is a roiling controversy in our house. And like all things we disagree on, it just doesn't...

Dangling Outliers
Dangling Outliers

Ah, the freshness of a recently re-air-conditioned apartment is something to be savored. There is...