Not that simply looking at the site anyone would be able to tell I've been working on updating the backend for the past day, but I have. We're finally running on an updated version of Joomla, which should allow for some interesting new things. All this comes with a renewed 'vision'... no, not of the Virgin Mary, although I've been known to have those too.... but the love affair with Facebook has become slightly sour, so it's time to reinvest in our little site here.

Now all I have to do is get crackin' on some of that work I should have been doing.


It's That Time Again!
It's That Time Again!

Yes, yes... it wouldn't be Autumn, or November for that matter, without our now annual...


  There is a pervasive state of decay to this city.  The relentless heat and...

Inside The Yellow Box
Inside The Yellow Box

 We’re a Kodak family.  That’s not such a strange thing being where I am...

From the $1 Menu
From the $1 Menu

I didn't have any particular direction or topic, but an egg mcmuffin popped into my head. I...