First day back at reality, or what passes for it. No matter how many times I say to myself, "tomorrow I'm going to get up early, go to the gym, make lists, get work done..." I generally wind up accomplishing only 10%. I think I need to either adjust my expectations or I need a drill sergeant to greet me each day at 6am and scream at me to get off my ass.

Sometimes those drill sergeants are provided to us though... workmen began tearing up the floors in the apartment directly above us at 9am. The sounds of banging, pounding and what turned out to be an air compressor did an adequate job of doing that screaming.

My morning ritual of retrieving coffee stretched longer than I had anticipated as I walked block after block through Center City listening to the same songs over and over again on my ipod. Compulsiveness, welcome home. I have to work on that. I know, I'll put it on my list.

Woodsmoke Lane At Dusk
Woodsmoke Lane At Dusk

  I loved the sky on this night as we left my brother's house. It had been raining...

It's sad to say this...
It's sad to say this...

Well, here goes... It’s time to answer some questions and say, “yes, we are moving.”  Dave...

It's That Time Again!
It's That Time Again!

Yes, yes... it wouldn't be Autumn, or November for that matter, without our now annual...

Cataloging Our Culture
Cataloging Our Culture

Holly Jolly, Bahoo Dorey, and all that. It's 'Black Friday' and we find ourselves once more at the...