My cell phone rang this morning as I was checking emails and reading news at my desk.  "What number is this?..." I looked at the screen and drew a blank.  I answered and a hesitant voice spoke after a few seconds.  "Ummmm, do you fix computers?" she asked.  Now, I DO fix computers, but it's not something I do for clients who call me out of the blue.  I have enough trouble keeping on top of my friends and family who hose their systems, why would I want to do that for complete strangers?  "I do, but it's not my primary line of business," I answered her, wondering who this woman was.  "Well, what is it that do DO do.... when you aren't fixing computers?" came the next question.  <pause here>  No self introduction on her part, no explanation of who or where she got my number, and I was becoming a tad bit annoyed.  A few choice things crossed my mind as I prepared to answer her, thinking... ok, this has to be someone playing a joke on me.  "I DO computer work, but I primarily do systems consulting....can I ask you where you got my number or who referred you?"  Perhaps I should have been more business-like and answered my personal cell phone with, "Chris's Fix-All, yes we fix computers!"  She finally told me who she was and where she came by my number, which turned out to be a contact a few years old.  Her secretary had been cleaning her desk and came across a card, so I can't blame her for trying.  I don't mind helping people in need and did wind up telling her I would assist her if she couldn't get a hold of her 'usual guy', but I have a feeling this would be a masochistic endeavor.  God knows I have gone to clients before and spent upwards of 8 hours slaving over a nasty root-kit problem... or seen systems so infected Windows simply shits the bed on boot.  No thanks.  Get a Mac... or if you want to really make me smile try Linux.  I'll be happy to help you switch!

The weird thing wasn't that she called me.  The weird thing was the way she interrogated me... as if I had shown up at her doorstep attempting to sell her encyclopedias or vacuum cleaners.

It's noon.  At least the 'peculiar' was relegated to the AM today.

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