This shot was taken off the Venice Beach pier in Marina del Rey.  We had been driving all over LA that day and decided to head to the beach for dinner and a swim.  After dinner  we headed out on the pier to watch the sun go down.  Venice attracks many body surfers and boogy-boarders, these were just a few in the water that night.

Inside The Yellow Box
Inside The Yellow Box

 We’re a Kodak family.  That’s not such a strange thing being where I am...

Duck inna Window
Duck inna Window

This was an anniversary present I don't know how many years ago from Dave. Wind it up and it...

It's That Time Again!
It's That Time Again!

Yes, yes... it wouldn't be Autumn, or November for that matter, without our now annual...

Velvety Soft Focus
Velvety Soft Focus

We've all seen them, and we've all felt the inexorable pull to stop and browse, perhaps even...