We had been at the hospice with Dave's mother all that week. I stopped to take this as we walked through the park that morning on our way to see her again. It wasn't going to be all that much longer before we said goodbye to her.

Bananas? You're kidding, right?
Bananas?  You're kidding, right?

There are many polarizing things in this world:  abortion, gun advocacy, Hillary Clinton,...

As I was saying... Circus Peanuts
As I was saying... Circus Peanuts

    "... until the age of plastic packaging, Circus Peanuts weren't readily...

Inside The Yellow Box
Inside The Yellow Box

 We’re a Kodak family.  That’s not such a strange thing being where I am...

Parking Garage Rooftop
Parking Garage Rooftop

My brother-in-law parked the car on one of the upper levels of the garage in downtown West...