"Making room for it, " he explained, "involves keeping space open in your awareness allowing yourself to experience the good things that come your way each day, whether they be big or small. And in the process you balance out all the negativity you might feel with an equal or greater amount of positivity." It hit me like a ton of bricks. How could I have never, EVER looked at it that way before? The concept, I'm sure, was explained on Sesame Street, or at least Mr. Rogers a thousand times during my formative years... or was it? The discussion group moved on in topic as I sat there stewing in my WTF epiphany. Just as I hadn't made any room for anything but crisis and emergency preparedness, I hadn't made any room for this extremely simple concept. "Duh, Chris... nice one!"

I've been confronted lately with numerous situations that have illustrated to me my propensity to only see the negative, the dramatic, or the worst case scenario. And while as my mother used to say, "people will screw you, just watch your back..." living my life paranoid and skeptical does take a toll.

So, I'm making room, for the good things, the little things, the beautiful things, the funny things... I've had enough of everything else crowding me out.

San Francisco Coastline
San Francisco Coastline

  This was also taken the day Dave, Felice and I drove out to the Sutro Baths...

Dead Man's Wabbit
Dead Man's Wabbit

The Terracotta Army was buried with the Emperor of Qin (Qin Shi Huangdi) in 209-210 BC (his...

Duck inna Window
Duck inna Window

This was an anniversary present I don't know how many years ago from Dave. Wind it up and it...

Pale Shelter
Pale Shelter

"Umbrella" is another term for the parasol, which was first used as a protection against the...